Current opportunities in the Dlugosch Lab
for Academic Year 2024/2025 and beyond

We welcome new lab members who wish to join a diversity of backgrounds and approaches to studying the evolution, ecology, and genomics of species responding to novel environments.

  • Undergrads: For types of involvement and expectations, see the Undergraduates page.

  • Prospective grad students: Contact Dr. Dlugosch ( in the Fall (Aug-Nov) to discuss your interests in joining the lab for the following academic year, and check out the Graduate Students page. Currently, there are no open MS positions in the lab, but Dr. Dlugosch is open to inquiries from potential PhD students whose research interests are a very close match to the interests of the lab (applications due in Dec).

  • Prospective postdocs: Check out the Postdocs page for current information about any open positions. Dr. Dlugosch ( is also happy to discuss potential fellowship submissions or future opportunities.